LED Signs - Electronic Message Center (EMC)

LED Signs
Digital Signs

Go Digital to
stand out from
the rest and
increase your sales.

Why Go Digital

Although known by different names such as LED signs, Digital Sign or Electronic Message Centers (EMC), one thing remains the same. These signs can help you grow your business. So what is a digital sign exactly?

An EMC (Electronic Message Center) is a sign that can display words and images/graphics in a variety of colors which is programed via a simple to use software on your computer and sent to the sign via wifi or remote access.

Digital advertising offers you timely communication, dynamic messages and the ability to display multiple messages at any given time.

With the ease of use, you can quickly and efficiently changes messages to match your scheduled events or sales. You can create eye catching advertising messages by using graphics and/or multiple colors. You can keep the content fresh and dynamic.

No longer are you limited to just one static message. You no longer have to manually change letters in your changeable copy to show the message(s) you need. By using a computer to communicate to the sign with a user friendly software to create messages, you will increase your advertising messages and get noticed by potential customers.

So what exactly is an L.E.D.?

led diode

LED stands for light emitting diode. An LED sign is made up of many panels (modules) that have many of these diodes in single or multiple colors.

In addition to the modules, each sign has a controller (and other electronic parts) that are all housed in a cabinet.

The controller is the “brains” of the operation and is the main piece of electronics that allows you to send unique messages to the signs via wifi or remote access.

Pixel Pitch

When buying a LED sign you need to know some key information and terminology. The first of these is what they call the “pixel pitch”. The pitch is what determines the resolution, or clarity of the message and graphics you display on the sign.

pixel pitch

Pixel pitch is a measurement of how many close each pixel is to another on the display measured in millimeters. For example, a P16 sign will have 16mm between each LED. Whereas a P10 sign will have only 10mm between each light emitting diode. The lower the pitch value the closer the LED lights are and the higher the resolution.

To determine the proper pitch value for your sign you need to know where the sign will be located and what the “viewing” distance will be. Optimal viewing distance is the point at which the individual pixels begin to blend together to form a smooth, consistent image.

Generally speaking, signs with a short distance between each pixel, such as our P10 or P12, are best for close viewing distances. Wider pixel spacing like a P16 are better for locations where the sign will be installed in the air and therefore a further distance to traffic.

Here we specialize in LED signs. We have sold and installed countless signs from single color to full color, from small signs to large electronic message boards. Use our expertise to determine the proper pitch, size and color for your electronic advertising needs. With each sign that we sell you get free training on the specific software that will communicate to the controller and sign.

Our Specifications

We offer full color Digital Signs so you can display all graphics clearly. The pitch value of a P8 or P10 offers high resolution messages. With the front access, service is a breeze. We can provide both outdoor and indoor signage. Call us today and talk to our EMC experts.